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Township of Chapleau

News for February 2021

NOTICE: Water Bleeders/By-Passes
Posted: Feb 23, 2021
NOTICE: Water Bleeders/By-Passes The Township of Chapleau requests that homeowners TURN ON THEIR WATER BLEEDERS/BY-PASSES to prevent freezing. This especially applies to residences that are prone to freezing. Households/dwellings that do not have a bleeder/by-pass should keep a steady trickle of cold water running at an inside faucet. It is the homeowner's responsibility to ensure that their bypasses are running during the cold weather. The Township can assist with the thawing of frozen...
Notice to Tax Payers
Posted: Feb 16, 2021
NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS The first instalment of the 2021 Interim Tax Billing is due February 26th, 2021. A 1.25% penalty is imposed for late payment in addition to 1.25% per month per instalment on overdue accounts. AVIS AUX PAYEURS DE TAXE Le premier versement de la facturation intérim des impôts fonciers de 2021 est dû le 26 février 2021. Une pénalité de 1.25% sera imposée aux paiements en retard en plus de 1.25% d'intérêt par moi...
Public Reminder: PARKING & TRAFFIC
Posted: Feb 11, 2021
Public Reminder PARKING AND TRAFFIC Pursuant to By-Law 2020-52, being a By-Law to Regulate Parking and Traffic in the Township of Chapleau, please note the following updates in the attached diagram. A copy of the By-Law can be found online at Time Limit: On-street parking in the Downtown Core (Birch, Beech, Lorne and Young) is limited to 2 hours and new signs will be posted early in the New Year with enforcement to follow. Transit Bus Parking: The transit-bus parking spot on ...
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7891011Public Reminder: PARKING & TRAFFIC1213
141516Notice to Tax Payers17181920
212223NOTICE: Water Bleeders/By-Passes24252627
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