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Township of Chapleau

Treaties Recognition Week

Posted: Nov 08, 2022
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What is Treaties Recognition Week?

Treaties Recognition Week takes place on the first week of November every year. Treaties Recognition week was introduced by the Ontario government in 2016 to honor the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships. 

Learn more about Treaties in Ontario (plain text accessible document also available).

How can I support Treaties Recognition Week?

Consider hosting a Treaties Recognition Week event for your staff or clients. Videos and discussion guides are available at Videos: Indigenous voices on

Have your organization follow the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs social media accounts and amplify Treaties Recognition Week content. Join the conversation using #TreatyON

Visit and use the interactive digital treaty map to locate where you live, work, or study. You’ll find other useful treaty resources on the Teaching and Learning Resources page.

Promote Treaties Recognition Week through your internal and external communications channels, such as newsletters, virtual or in-person events, blogs and web pages.

Where can I learn more about Treaties?

The Ontario Ministry of Indigenous Affairs offers a variety of online tools with learning resources and invites the public to join the conversation happening across Ontario on social media. Find more events and activities across the province.

Find an assortment of educational resources on treaties on Anishinabek Nation’s website.

Goodminds has put together a great reading list of treaty education resources available for purchase in English and French and for a variety of audiences.

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