November 1st, 2018 – Chapleau, ON - The Township of Chapleau’s Leisure and Cultural Services Department has been busy this fall getting ready for the upcoming winter season. A number of activities are a part of this transition including winterization of the museum, closure of the splashpad, the removal of many benches at our parks and the opening of our newly renovated Recreation Centre. One of the greatest challenges this year was the removal of the waterfront docks which were fully submerged due to unusually high water levels.
Last season, the Township relied on help from the staff and students of the Canadian Working Divers Institute (CWDI) to remove the docks. The Township is grateful that John Pegg, Director of Operations for CWDI, agreed to lend us a hand again this season.
The effort this season took twenty people from the Canadian Workers Divers Institute. This was a complex task which involved divers in full underwater gear attached to umbilical cords, coordinators watching and communicating the details of the removal, people on standby to assist as well as people changing oxygen tanks as they became depleted from shore. The divers worked for eight hours to remove both the docks at the swim area and the Lorne St. Boat Launch while municipal employees hauled the dock pieces off-site for winter storage.
The Township would like to extend a sincere thank-you to divers Dane Driedger, Hogan Joy, Jared Mechefske, Matthew Groom, Mitch Edwards-Kennedy, Mitchell DeGray, Ricardo Sanchez, Rodrigo Alcaraz Garay, Sam Hinch, Shane Hesch, Stephan Labossiere, Travis Cushner, Andrew Mohammed-Rowsell, Jean Masbou, Tristan Bhaggan, Bruce McPhee (Instructor), John McEligott (Instructor), Dave Prokipchuk (Instructor), and John Pegg (Director of Operations) from the Canadian Working Divers Institute for their hard work and willingness to volunteer for this task.
For more information, please contact the undersigned:
Chelsea Swearengen Chief Administration Officer (705) 864-1330 [email protected]