Notice: Temporary Shelters

To the Residents of Chapleau
We would like to remind residents of By-Law’s 2002-14 & 2020-30 for all who are using or planning on setting up a temporary shelter to store articles in from your property.
We understand that these have become a means to keep yards clear of clutter, and keep material protected from the weather. We are now facing the aftermath of the winter, leaving the canvas and or metal structures in substandard condition and have been receiving calls concerning the structures in need of repair, being both visually unpleasant and a safety concern.
As per Property Standards By-Law 2002-14 & 2020-30. The standards set out in the By-law concerning Yards and the permitted use, include:
As per the By-Law 2002-14 these shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition and in good repair.
Additionally: finishing of these temporary canvas covered structures with lumber, steel exterior cladding, any form of attaching/ notching or drilling of tubing is against the Ontario Building Code. Any form of modifications from the list above, unless otherwise provided with an approval from a Professional Engineer (PEng), is prohibited.
If you require further clarification or assistance on this matter please contact the Bylaw Enforcement officer.
Any structure that is over 160 Square Feet (amended in OBC May 2) and is not temporary, is classified as a building and requires a building permit.
Building, By-law, and Property standards officer.
Alvin Brown
705-864-1330 ext. 230