Notice of Nomination
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2022 Municipal & School Board Election
It's time to get excited, the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election is October 24, 2022! Check back to municipal website page for more information, it will be updated as the election draws closer and more information becomes available.
Notice of Nominations for Office
NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Chapleau and District School Boards Areas
Nominations in the Township of Chapleau for the offices of:
1 |
4 |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Nouvelon French Language Separate District School Board (Township of Chapleau, Chapleau Locality, Municipality of Wawa and Township of White River.) |
1 Trustee |
may be made by completing and filing with the Elections Clerk/Deputy Elections Clerk Township of Chapleau, 20 Pine Street, Chapleau, Ontario (705) 864-1330) nominations on the prescribed form.
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l'Ontario (Chapleau Locality, Township of Chapleau, Township of Dubreuilville, Municipality of Wawa, Township of Johnson, Township of Laird, Township of MacDonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional, Tarbutt & Tarbutt Additional and Township of White River) |
1 Trustee |
may be made by completing and filing in the office of the Clerk (Shelley Casey, Township of Dubreuilville, 23 rue de Pins Avenue, Dubreuilville, Ontario (705) 884-2340) nominations on the prescribed form.
Algoma District School Board English Language Public District School Board (Township of Hornepayne, Township of Chapleau, Chapleau Locality, Missarenda Locality, Municipality of Wawa, Michipicoten Locality, Township of Dubreuilville and Township of White River) |
1 Trustee |
may be made by completing and filing with the Elections Clerk/Deputy Elections Clerk Township of Chapleau, 20 Pine Street, Chapleau, Ontario (705) 864-1330) nominations on the prescribed form.
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board English Language Separate District School Board Township of Chapleau, Chapleau Locality, Michipicoten Locality, Municipality of Wawa, Township of Dubreuilville, Township of White River and Township of Hornepayne) |
1 Trustee |
may be made by completing and filing in the office of the Clerk (Cathy Cyr, Municipality of Wawa, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa, Ontario (705)856-2244) nominations on the prescribed form.
The nomination period for candidates opens on May 2, 2022 and nominations may be filed on any day on or after May 2, 2022 at a time when the Elections Clerk/Elections Deputy Clerk’s Office is open and on Nomination Day, Friday, August 19th, 2022 from 9 am to 2 pm.
A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be filed in person, by means of electronic filing or by an agent.
A prescribed nomination filing fee ($200.00 for Head of Council position, $100.00 for all other positions, paid in cash or by certified cheque or money order payable to the Township of Chapleau or by an electronic method of payment that the Election Clerk specifies) must accompany the nomination form.
Electronic filing of nomination for positions on Council will be permitted under the following conditions:
- Electronic filing of a nomination for positions on Council will be accepted only until Wednesday August 17, 2022 at 4 p.m.
- Prior approval of the Clerk must be obtained and electronic filing of nomination papers will be permitted only under extenuating situations such as COVID lockdowns, other declared emergency situations or not being able to file nomination during regular office hours;
- To be submitted along with the completed nomination form is the required electronic submission of one piece of valid and current identification on which there is a photo and signature such as a drivers licence, passport, Ontario Photo Card or Health card;
- Prescribed filing fee must be paid; and
- Person who electronically files a nomination for an office on Council shall retain the copy of the document bearing the original signature and shall ensure that the original document is delivered to the Municipal Office by no later than Thursday August 18, 2022 at 4 p.m. or forfeit certification f the nomination by the Elections Clerk.
A nomination must be certified by the Election Clerk before such person becomes a certified candidate for the office to which she or he is nominated. Candidates must not spend or raise funds for their election campaign until their nomination form has been filed.
In the event there are an insufficient number of certified candidates to fill all positions available, nominations will be reopened for the vacant positions only on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and such additional nominations, if required, may be filed in the office of the Clerk.
To run for a municipal office, you must be an eligible elector in the Township of Chapleau. An eligible elector is, on voting day:
- A Canadian citizen;
- At least 18 years of age;
- Reside in the Township of Chapleau, or an owner or tenant of land in the Township of Chapleau, or the spouse of such a person ;
- Not prohibited from voting under any law.
Reminder to Candidates
- Cannot be nominated for more than one office
- Cannot accept donations or spend any funds on an election campaign until such time as you have filed the required Nomination Papers with the Clerk
- You are responsible for keeping records of the financial activities related to your campaign. Remember to issue receipts for all donations, including donations of goods or services; obtain receipts for expenses incurred; keep copies of all receipts.
- Keep receipts for all expenditures and a record of the value of all contributions which are not money (ie. sign stakes, paper, printing services, etc.)
- It is the responsibility of the candidate to file a complete and accurate financial statement on time.
Candidates should completely familiarize themselves with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
For additional Information please contact:
Elections Clerk Barbara Major, Returning Officer