Delayed…not forgotten!
No, Council did not forget to honor those who deserve recognition for their efforts and activities. Normally this is part of the Canada Day celebrations at the waterfront. Not so this year, due to Covid-19, and we apologize. Time to make up for the delay.
This year, we present several awards; two people will receive the Buddy Swanson Volunteer Award, four Council Certificates of Appreciation and two Service Recognition Awards for the Fire Department.
“Buddy” Swanson Volunteer Award
The Buddy Swanson Volunteer Award honors a lifetime Chapleauite, Keith Swanson, a former Town Councilor and full time volunteer.
The Award is presented to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the community over a period of years. Consideration is given to individuals who have served the community through non-profit or service organizations, made significant contributions to local programs or services, been a leader and innovator with community volunteers, have given of their time, knowledge and skills to achieve a goal for the community in spite of barriers or personal circumstances.
The Award is sponsored by Buddy’s children, Jennifer and Sheldon.
The first recipient for 2020 has a long history volunteering in Chapleau; a personal tendency which has grown significantly since her retirement. The list includes such diverse activities as boy scout leader, help with numerous church functions, driving people to medical appointments, preparing meals for others and cleaning flower beds in Peace Park, to name a few. A past president of the Club Maria Chapdelaine, she is currently the driving force behind Maison Boreal in the quest to bring affordable assisted living options for Chapleau seniors. She tirelessly lobbies for linguistic parity and for seniors’ rights so they are heard, understood and live out their golden years in dignity.
That person is Mrs. Pierrette Ouellette.
An exception was made for a second candidate. Although this person has a rather short history of voluntarism, we felt strongly that his actions deserved formal recognition.
The second recipient of the Volunteer Award is short in longevity but long in leadership. He possesses a maturity well beyond his few years. His actions reveal a sense of charity and compassion for pets without a home.
His journey began on the Pet Shelter website when he saw posted pictures of animals seeking a home. At that moment, he decided to do something nice for all the shelter animals waiting for their forever homes. Allow me to quote his nominator to explain what happened next:
“With the help of his parents, Wade reached out to family members, to friends and to animal lovers to help him with his project. He wanted to fill the back of the family van with dog and cat toys and treats, wet cat food, clumping cat litter, bleach and dish soap, dog harnesses, old sheets and pet food, including cans of kitten milk replacement formula. Wade began his project on June 28th, 2019 and I am happy to report that he was successful! On July 8th, 2019, he and his brothers helped their dad fill the back of the van with an impressive amount of donations. These donations, as well as $200 that he had collected to help with the purchase of additional cans of kitten replacement formula, were brought to the Pet Save Shelter in Sudbury.”
All of this was initiated by our next recipient, six year old, Wade Bowes.
Congratulations to Pierrette and Wade from Mayor and Council!!
Council Certificates of Appreciation
Along with the Buddy Swanson Awards, we have, over the past few years, presented deserving citizens or organizations with Council Certificates of Appreciation for their outstanding efforts during the year.
This year, Council issued several Certificates.
Three Certificates of Appreciation recognize our local health care providers for their swift and effective actions and team decisions when faced initially with Covid-19 in March and April.
Certificates go to:
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services
Sudbury and District Health Unit, Chapleau office
Chapleau and District Family Health Team
Separate Certificates of Appreciation went to Stephanie Joly and Antonia O’Riley for their longstanding service to Church and community.
Fire Department Recognition
The Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management frequently recognize the tenure of volunteer fire fighters throughout the province.
This year, two members of our Fire Department received recognition:
Chief Kenneth Groves is awarded the Fire Services Long Service Medal for 25 years of service of courageous and dedicated services to the residents of Ontario, protecting their lives and property from fire.
Deputy Chief Keith Friend is awarded the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal in recognition of 20 years of loyal and exemplary service to public safety in Canada.
All these people deserve our thanks for extending themselves for the benefit of our community.