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Township of Chapleau

Joint Statement Issued by the Northeast Superior Mayor' Group

Posted: Apr 08, 2020
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During this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Mayors of Dubreuilville, Chapleau, Hornepayne, Manitouwadge, Wawa, and White River are united in ensuring their communities and residents stay safe and healthy.

Staying home is critically important to stopping the spread of COVID-19 in Superior East and all area Mayors are strongly urging local residents to remain within their home towns and to only travel to other communities in Ontario for essential travel purposes such as medical reasons, banking or prescriptions.

Practicing physical distancing and limiting social gatherings to no more than five (5)people is helping to reduce the risk of the virus spreading among localcommunities. The Mayors of Superior East are asking all residents to help keepour families, friends and neighbours safe by discouraging visitors to ourcommunities and eliminating non-essential travel during this time. Following thisadvice is of critical importance to ensure local hospitals will not be overwhelmedshould community members become ill from the COVID-19 virus which wouldput a strain on the supply of ventilators, personal protection equipment,physicians and health care professionals available in the Superior East Region.Staying home and reducing visitors to the area is especially critical to ensure thesafety of our aging population and those with health challenges who may be atgreater risk should they become infected.

Superior East residents have an important role to play in ensuring the safety and health of our family, friends and community members by doing the following;

  1. No more than five (5) people should be present in any social setting. Thisis very important to stop the spread of the virus. Please remember that onlypeople living in your home should be inside your home.
  2. Staying a minimum of six (6) feet away or the length of an adult hockeystick from others will help to flatten the curve.
  3. Avoid going to municipal playgrounds, sport fields and community centersas all are closed. Please respect these closures to keep everyone safe.
  4. No outdoor fires are permitted during a declared fire ban. Please follow thislaw to maintain our existing firefighting resources during COVID-19.
  5. Stay at home and in your own community. By limiting travel, we can allkeep safe and preserve our emergency personnel from attending to accidents.
  6. Respect mandatory quarantine orders if you have travelled recently and stay home if youare ill and self-isolate. Please do not go outside during an isolation period.
  7. Please limit visits to grocery and convenience stores to no more than once a week anddesignate one person to do all shopping. Help keep our frontline service workers safe fromillness and essential businesses open.

If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. Residents can stay up-to-date with current information by visiting:

Wawa, White River and Dubreuilville: or call Algoma Public Health at 1-866-892-0172 ext. 5404.

Chapleau: or call Public Health Sudbury and Districts at 1.866.522.9200.

Hornepayne: or call Porcupine Public Health at 1-800-461-1818.

Manitouwadge: or call Thunder Bay District Health at 1-888-294-6630.

"The residents of Superior East have been making every effort to follow Ontario Public Health guidelines and we are asking that every resident continue to protect our communities, families and neighbours by doing the things required to help ensure this deadly virus does not enter the area," said Mayor Angelo Bazzoni of White River. "Each municipality is united in ensuring we protect our residents from the spread of COVID-19 to communities in the Superior East Region."

The Superior East Regional Mayors urge everyone to help stop the spread of COVID-19 into the region by following recommended safety practices. Please stay home to stay healthy and safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Together, we can keep our communities strong and healthy while we continue to help each other manage the challenges the Region faces during this difficult time.


NESMG Letter re COVID -19 message from mayors April 7 2020 final

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