Working together to provide safe and reliable electricity
We are writing to let you know that due to staffing shortages, Hydro One will be managing the day to day operations of Chapleau Hydro, effective June 13, 2023. Hydro One already serves the communities and businesses on the outskirts of Chapleau.
Chapleau Hydro’s regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has issued Hydro One an interim licence to operate the distribution business of Chapleau Hydro for the next six months. The six month period will allow the Township and Chapleau Hydro to evaluate longer term options to continue to provide excellent electricity distribution services in Chapleau. We expect to have a permanent solution ready to put in place at the end of this interim period.
What does this mean for you?
There are no changes to your electricity service or the rates you pay. You’ll continue to receive your electricity bill from Chapleau Hydro. If you have any service requests, billing inquiries, or need to report an outage, please continue to call Chapleau Hydro at 705.864.0111.
The existing team at Chapleau Hydro will continue to provide local service and timely power restoration, with Hydro One staff also available to help.
What happens next?
Chapleau Hydro is one of the smallest utilities in the province and due to its size, it is challenged with balancing the ongoing regulatory requirements, attracting and retaining staff and the need to make investments in the distribution system. As a result of these ongoing challenges, the Township is looking at the option to sell the distribution business to ensure customers continue to receive excellent electricity distribution services.
We will be sure to keep you updated once we have more information.
If you have any questions, please call Chapleau Hydro at 705.864.0111.