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Township of Chapleau
Cemetery Clean-Up
Cemetery Clean-Up
Posted: Oct 11, 2022
NOTICE: Cemetery Clean Up The Township of Chapleau will conduct a fall cleaning of the municipal cemeteries on or after October 24, 2022 and dispose of all lot decorations in accordance with the Cemetery By-Law. Lot decorations include all structures, ornaments, candles, or other embellishments with the exception of headstones, monuments and markers. Please ensure all items of value are collected prior to this date.
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Municipal Grant Assistance to Elderly Residents
Municipal Grant Assistance to Elderly Residents
Posted: Sep 15, 2022
Municipal Grant Assistance to Elderly Residents. The Township of Chapleau provides property tax assistance to elderly residents. In order to qualify for the $150.00 grant assistance, you must meet all of the following requirements: 1. You have attained the age of 65 years. 2. You are in receipt of a monthly guaranteed income supplement under Part Two (2) of the Old Age Security Act. 3. Proof of your receipt of the guaranteed income supplement is required. 4. You must have been assessed a
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Notice to Tax Payers
Notice to Tax Payers
Posted: Sep 15, 2022
NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS The first instalment of the 2022 Final Tax Billing is due September 30th, 2022. A 1.25% penalty is imposed for late payment in addition to 1.25% per month per instalment on overdue accounts. AVIS AUX PAYEURS DE TAXE Le premier versement de la facturation finale des impôts fonciers de 2022 est dû le 30 septembre 2022. Une pénalité de 1.25% sera imposée aux paiements en retard en plus de 1.25% d'intérêt par mois au compte qui n'est pas payé à temps.
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Mayor and Council Acclaimed for the Township of Chapleau
Mayor and Council Acclaimed for the Township of Chapleau
Posted: Aug 24, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mayor and Council Acclaimed for the Township of Chapleau August 24th, 2022 – Chapleau, ON – With the nomination deadline for Municipal Council candidates now completed, The Township of Chapleau is pleased to announce that all certified candidates seeking a position on Council have been acclaimed to the Corporation of the Township of Chapleau Council.
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Ontario Senior Achievement Award
Ontario Senior Achievement Award
Posted: Aug 23, 2022
Do you know an outstanding local senior in the Town of Chapleau? Nominate them for the Ontario Senior Achievement Award today! This award recognizes individuals for significant contributions to their communities after the age of 65. Up to 20 individuals are recognized each year. View the eligibility requirements and submit your nomination today at Nomination period closes September 9, 2022. 
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Declaration of Acclamation to Office
Declaration of Acclamation to Office
Posted: Aug 22, 2022
Declaration of Acclamation to office
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Chapleau Welcome Guide 2022
Chapleau Welcome Guide 2022
Posted: Jul 26, 2022
The 8th Edition of the Chapleau Welcome Guide is here!
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Call for Nominations: Buddy Swanson Volunteer Recognition Awards
Call for Nominations: "Buddy" Swanson Volunteer Recognition Awards
Posted: Jun 14, 2022
The Township of Chapleau invites local nominations for the “Buddy” Swanson Volunteer Recognition Award for individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the community over a period of years. Consideration will be given to individuals who have served the community through a non-profit or service organization, made significant contributions to local programs or services, been a leader and innovator with community volunteers, have given of their time, knowledge and skills to achieve a go
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Notice: Water Bleeders/By-Passes
Notice: Water Bleeders/By-Passes
Posted: May 30, 2022
The Township of Chapleau requests that homeowners TURN OFF THEIR WATER BLEEDERS/BY-PASSES to prevent excessive flow to the pumping stations. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please direct all inquiries to: Réjean Raymond Public Works Superintendent 705-864-1334 [email protected] May 30, 2022 Le Canton de Chapleau demande aux propriétaires de FERMER LEURS PURGEURS / DÉRIVATEURS D’EAU pour éviter un flux excessif vers les stations de pompage. Merci de votre coopération en la matiè
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Open Letter to Provincial Election Candidates Re: Emergency Infrastructure Funding
Open Letter to Provincial Election Candidates Re: Emergency Infrastructure Funding
Posted: May 27, 2022
May 27th, 2022 – Chapleau, Ontario - First and foremost, we want to congratulate each of you for taking the initiative to potentially lead in this great part of our province. Northern Ontario is an extremely vital component and seems to be significantly reflected in each of your political campaigns including continuing support for economic development, First Nations, natural resources, and support for medium to small/rural municipalities across the north that govern such a vast area
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