Chapleau Municipal Public Works Garage

refuse collection, landfill site waste management, residential second pick up, road and sidewalk maintenance, storm water system maintenance, water works distribution system maintenance, sanitary sewer collection system maintenance, bridge and culvert maintenance, road and sidewalk snow removal, street sweeping and equipment maintenance.
The Public Works Department, lead by the Public Works Superintendent consists of 7 unionized employees, responsible for carrying out numerous services including refuse collection, landfill site waste management, residential second pick up, road and sidewalk maintenance, storm water system maintenance, water works distribution system maintenance, sanitary sewer collection system maintenance, bridge and culvert maintenance, road and sidewalk snow removal, street sweeping and equipment maintenance. This department is also called upon to perform sanitary sewer and drinking water service connection maintenance on private property, as there is a shortage of this type of service in the private sector. Other services perform by the department include Cemetery internments, assisting other Township departments where heavy equipment and sufficient manpower is required and performing fee for service work such as parking lot sweeping. The Public Works department operates out of the Public Works Department maintenance garage.