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Township of Chapleau

News for December 2020

Christmas Message from Mayor Levesque
Posted: Dec 23, 2020
CELEBRATE WITH MORE JOY 2020 is a unique and historical year with several lessons for all: we are not invincible and our lifestyle can change overnight. We could even say that we have experienced a moment of humbleness when faced with the pandemic. Our community must acknowledge our good fortune since March: the town has not had any Covid outbreaks and our economic picture is equal to or better than most in the province. We may feel hemmed in by social restrictions and the endless repetition of.
Public Notice: Arena Closure
Posted: Dec 23, 2020
Public Notice Arena Closure In accordance with the provincewide COVID-19 shutdown, please be advised that the Chapleau Recreation Centre will be closed as follows: 12 noon on Thursday, December 24th (Christmas Eve Day) until 3 p.m. Monday, January 11th. Updates will be provided if those plans change. Thank you ************************* Avis public Conformément au confinement du COVID-19 à l'échelle de la province, s.v.p., soyez avisé que le centre récr...
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